Welcome to the show
Davidson Hearing Aid Centres has been hosting Canada’s leading annual consumer hearing shows for over a decade. While in recent years, we brought our event to the heart of the EY Centre as the presenting sponsor of the Fifty-Five Plus Lifestyle Show, that was not possible this year due to the pandemic. Instead, we bring you a virtual event under our original show name, the Ottawa Hearing Show.
Over the years, these events have brought tens of thousands of Eastern Ontario’s hard of hearing to one place. The shows have always been a great opportunity to connect with other hard of hearing, our staff, and the leading hearing aid manufacturers. Though we move to a digital platform for 2021, this year is no different. Our team has put together some videos covering some timely topics and all of the 6 largest international hearing aid manufacturers have worked with us to provide a presentation on their latest offerings. Plus, if you have a set of headphones, you can check your hearing right from the comfort of your home.
We have also put together a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page, where you can find the answers to many common questions. If you don’t find your question in the list, there is also a form that you can use to ask us any hearing related questions. Enjoy the Virtual Show!
Watch Virtual Presentations NOW
Thank you for coming
Our annual shows have been the highlight of the year for many of our staff, as it gives us a unique opportunity to reconnect with so many familiar faces and to meet many new ones. We love hearing the impact that our services have made in people’s lives as well as sharing the amazing new technology that continues to come to market. Although we couldn’t host a live show this year, we had a lot of fun putting together these presentations for you. We hope you enjoyed our 2020 virtual Hearing Show and can’t wait to connect with you in person in the near future!